Beautifully said. My grief and anger are palpable. This country has knowingly (well, sort of given the level of ignorance in the American electorate) voted in a seditionist, convicted felon, sexual predator, sadistic narcissist, and vengeful monster into our highest office. Our survival depends on those of us who know this. We must do what we can to save what we can when we can. Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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I read some of thrse essays by folks who supported Trump’s first term and their references to the soul of the Republican party and I just roll my eyes. There has been no soul in the Republican Party since Eisenhower. Since then it’s just stupid talking points about big government, taxes, and prayer in the public schools; unnecessary wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.; appointing right wing hacks to the Supreme Court and making money in politics more important than elections. Trump is just the result of 50 years of the GOP doing everything they could to undermine democracy! Congrarulations Republicans you finally have the most soulless, sold out person to ever hold the office.

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Yes to all you said. I’m an aging baby boomer and could see it coming with Reagan—disparaging the American government, playing footsie with racism, and selling America on trickle down economics. Then Bush II’s using the Supreme Court to steal the election. The dye was cast 50 years ago.

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You are so right Constance- the die was indeed cast 50 years ago with Reagan (thanks to Ayn Rand) and the farce of “trickle- down “ economics and the empty promises of neoliberalism. I’m 80 now and have been watching this drama play out and culminating in a denouement that even Shakespeare would have trouble explicating. I’m both horrified and fatigued by it all.

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Danni, Constance and Jacqueline. I'm 71 with a degree in sociology -- and I, too, have seen this coming for the last 50 years. Your descriptions above are totally accurate. Finally, I must say, my sorrow is profound that Trump was re-elected. It's a physical pain and a low-grade depression.

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I too am an aging Boomer; sometimes I think our experience thar remembers when our country and our government was actually trying to live up ro the principles that we say in the Pledge of Allegience or the welcome to immigrants on the Statue of Liberty.

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We’re a constitutional republic that employs democracy rather than autocracy or another form of government. Now we’re employing autocracy with a budding oligarchy. Good luck thinking a con man has your or any of our interests in mind.

Out of respect for each other we must agree to let time show who’s correct. I respect your right to think differently and frankly I’m glad he’s going to get total control over this country since only then will people like you understand what a con man does. He was held back for years. Now he’s free to show who he is and do what con men do. I’m confident he will.

I get that so many of our leaders have conned us. I wrote a book about it. https://geni.us/whitechalkcrime But the solution to politics as usual - a form of conning - will not be a con man.

You can contact me years from now at WhiteChalkCrime.com where teachers are blowing the whistle on our schools and I’ll agree to admit you’re right if you are.

My fear of Trump does not suggest I found either party decent. I’ve worked for years trying to expose how both parties have corrupted our schools. But please understand we are frightened and depressed now and you’re speaking at a site that thinks like me, not you. Have some respect if you really believe your guy is going to make this country decent.

The least you can do is be kind now that you got what you wanted. Coming to a site where the author clearly has taken a side against your man when it’s time for you to celebrate serves no good purpose.

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Democracy died. One day you’ll understand.

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Democracy didn't die, the threat of democracy died. Thankfully. don't live in a democracy, we live in a constitutional republic. As a teacher, I thought you would have known the difference. In a democracy, the majority rules. Period. Biden and company were very much trying to turn our republic into a democracy by using its power to intimidate and silence opposing opinions. I'm looking forward to the return to the tenets of our republic as defined by our Constitution.

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Jan 20
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Get back to us in four years, I suspect you’ll bechanging your tune!

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Naw, that would be a waste of time. You already have your mind made up, facts be damned.

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I'll bite, what are your facts that has your mind made up so completely?

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You'll have to check with Danni who apparently has her mind made up that Biden was not the most corrupt president in history.

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If you were truly happy with the successful election of your con man over a man you think was worse, you wouldn’t be commenting here with such contempt for us - you know we respect Olivia and not your man. You’d be rejoicing. Your choice to attack our choice rather than celebrating yours shows you’re scared and that’s understandable.

Both parties have done plenty wrong and corruption is far too common but electing a proven con man is mighty scary. So most will forgive you for your anger and your vote since BOTH parties allowed our schools to become corrupt and our people to no longer understand democracy. Learn about this in my book A Graver Danger: White Chalk Crime, The Stunning First-Ever Explanation for School Shootings & How We End Them or from teacher whistleblowers at WhiteChalkCrime.com. Because as a teacher I know what our schools did to this country, I understand your anger. Too many presidents let this happen. But keep in mind your choice for president had four years to fix our schools and did nothing too. So he’s no better and to the people who follow Olivia he’s much worse. Your comments don’t belong here. We’re doing our best to be good citizens left with terrible choices. We’re all in this hot mess together whether you’re willing to admit it or not! Our disagreement is exactly what corrupt people want.

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One of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s quotes that speaks to transforming pain into purpose is:

"Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream." Appropriate to quote this line from his "I Have a Dream" speech which reflects our ability to acknowledge pain and struggle while using it as a driving force for hope and action.

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Thank you for sharing and reminding us all of this Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. quote.

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Olivia, thank you for this. My personal and profound grief at losing my beloved husband of 43 years in March has been magnified exponentially by the election and all that his return will mean for our country, our planet. I am heartbroken and yet for my children, grandchild and ALL our people now and future generations, I will continue to stand up, speak out and work side by side with all who value justice, equality, peace, and compassion, and equanimity. Bless you and may you be safe.

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Cynthia-I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending you strength, love and light.🤍

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Dear Cynthia. Thank you for your beautiful words. I understand how your grief has been "magnified exponentially" by the election. I lost my husband of 44 years almost three years ago after a decade's long illness. His mind was perfect to the end so we were very lucky. Having met on my uncle Mo Udall's presidential campaign in 1976, we enjoyed nothing more than political talk and current events; all day and every day. This Inauguration Day is a tragedy.

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Thank you for your kindness and I'm sorry for your loss as well. I remember Mo Udall.

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Thank you.

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Like many of us, I’m angry at the racism and misogyny of the voters and heir unwillingness to accept the truth. I admire your courage. Only we, with the help of independent lawyers, legislators, and media, can mitigate the oncoming horror show.

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Definitely feeling the grief today. Olivia, thank you for your incredible courage, your commitment to truth and your intelligence and integrity - all characteristics that are in dire need in the US today and going forward. Wake up US citizens!!! Realize how much the world looks to you for leadership and how sad and disappointed we are today, at the travesty of a convicted felon being inaugurated when he should have been jailed. There is much to be fixed in your system. (From an Irish- Canadian in Greece.)

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He learned from his mistakes. He has nominated all the low-life he can find because they owe him. He placed thieves and money-grubbers in places where they can steal and give him kickbacks. From his study of Hitler and what he learned from his brother Putin and his first term, he can set up a dynasty for more dictators. Eric would be who I suspect; however, he is dumber than his father and more of a coward, but he has the overgrown mouth. To be honest, he may turn on the man he is most indebted to, Putin, which could be his downfall. If the golden showers photos exist, we will see them, or trump will fall in line. He has enemies in Iran as well as Europe. He has and will continue to develop American enemies. His ego may start in WW3, and no matter where he hides, he will be the main Russian target. The best hope is that the intelligence of our American elite will defeat him in court, and he will finally go to jail.

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I never thought it would actually happen. I was naive and thought the majority of my fellow citizens would deny this odious piece of human excrement a return to power. Obviously I was mistaken. I am grieving. But I am not defeated. I have been writing and calling my Senators and my US Rep and I will continue to do so for the next four years. I live in Texas so it might not do much good but I will persist. This manbaby will not win without a fight.

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Thank you for this, Ms. Troye. You were one of many in my inbox this morning who gave me much needed wisdom and hope.

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Jimmy Carter (RIP)was the best right

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Keep writing, O!!

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Thanks for the perspective. Wish you well. I had a dream.....MLK.

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Amen Olivia and thank you 🖤

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Dear Olivia, I am so grateful for your history -- and these words, elegantly and beautifully written.

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I’m in!

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Thank you, Olivia. I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend too. 🙏🏼

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