Thank you for saying this so clearly and passionately.

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"Do we accept the premise that dissent is dangerous and conformity is patriotism?"


passing this on, Olivia.

It matters immensely. You have on-site experience and knowledge, and your pointed questions are up-to-the-minute relevant, including Whos next?

Thank you for your Voice !

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Why did Muslims in America believe Trump was better for them during the Campaign ??? Trump knows how to make fools of People ???

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My understanding is they were very upset by Biden's uncritical support of Israel's actions in Gaza, which killed many family members along with many human rights concerns. This became highly emotional. Even though IMO going with Harris would have been better a certain percentage just couldn't pull the D lever.

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When this was happening on the Columbia campus and others, I fervently disagreed with the protesters tactics. They failed to see that two things can be true at the same time:

1) Hamas started the conflict by butchering Israelis and taking hostages. This was barbaric despite the plight of Palestinians.

2) Netanyahu took full advantage of the situation in order to save his political butt and reek total destruction of Gaza. His actions were selfish and barbaric. When it became apparent that Bibi was a bad actor, we should have ceased support.

Mahmoud, et al, should have known their position was tenuous, but how many of them voted for Trump? Nevertheless, the USA should not be in the practice of deporting people without due process just on the whims of a crazy, addled, vindictive man like Trump.

Both sides dance with the devil here. Trump likes doing that though. I truly loathe that man.

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As far as support for Israel and Bibi, for America there was no possible correct response. We can't dump Israel and we can't control Bibi. The administration was damned if they do and damned if they don't. Meanwhile, Israel has defanged its enemies and helped us immensely by severely weakening Iran's position, all the while visiting outrageous and most likely unnecessary destruction on Gaza.

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Agreed! However, I don't think 2000 lb bombs were the necessary weapons. Nevertheless, you're right, there was no "right" response.

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Brilliant and perfectly on point.

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Dear Olivia, we admire that you changed your world, and came to the defense of our constitution, we are unable to go to paid, as we are on social security, still we love you for your courage…RESIST.

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Presidents Andrew Johnson, Pierce and Buchanan are all a stain on history for not standing up for civil rights surrounding the Civil War. Trump, Musk and Vance stand for Capitalism over Democracy; freedom and rights for all are on the back burner. Again we come to the divide.

In addition, it is clear that their prejudice, misogyny and homophobia are on full display.

This arrest by I.C.E. is just one example. “Other” in this country has become all who are not white men.

Fear of losing jobs, wealth, health and security coupled with the philosophy of only the deserving get these things is the pure form of division, a caste system!! We are out of balance once again.

We cannot shrink away and we must stand for freedoms for all and that we abide by law. We have a tremendous amount of work to do to undo the caste system that has been created to divide us. We, together, have always prevailed!

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This is terrible. We cannot turn our heads. We need to be aware of what's going on. Hopefully we make it through this.

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Thank you for sharing this outstanding essay!

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Where are we headed!

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This is what I remember as an “old school” Republican. We may not agree on politics but we all should put country before politics.

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Autocracy has got a firm grip now...it becomes, CAN we wiggle back our Country, bit by bit -fight by fight. He has it rigged or in trump language...he "has all the cards". This will not be easy or quick..but what is the alternative...let him TAKE our Country AND our Freedoms for his gain ??? Not on my watch

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Rage more as republicans become tools of trump and putin, the more impressive your break from them to tell the truth. Not an easy journey in the face of trump madness. What is also amazing is that a peaceful protestor is arrested and taken more than 1000 miles to a facility in Louisiana, and the trump beast pardons violent, j/6 violent felons who attached law enforcement and the Capitol. The corporate, comply in advance media seems unable to see that irony.

Besides being a fascist authoritarian, it also shows trump's willingness to arrest anyone who disagrees with him or his anti American policies. Your and all our voices are important now and need to be heard before the madmendisplay more madness.

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Real quandary. Vehemently opposed to the morally and ethically outrageous acts of Hamas and supporters in Gaza. (And I recognized that the vast majority of Gaza’s population are at least passively supportive of their actions - at least those who don’t simply want to be left alone). Yet to detain someone in the US merely for expressing a point of view is despicable and is likely to normalize similar and even worse acts of injustice. Ai, so many quandaries, so few paths out. Only realistic solution - “radically” support Democrats for the 3 open House seats, ensure Democrats take over the House, THEN have sufficient influence as to refuse to pass a budget, shut down the government (tragic if I can’t visit a national park for a few months / years / decades - but we all have to make our own sacrifices). Insofar as The Supremes are now The Trumps, fund the Judiciary accordingly. Budget for fiscal year 2025/26 = $5.00 (ok, be generous. $6.00)

BTW - didn’t like your former self under Trump 1. But I’m willing to forgive (but never forget). Just became a paid subscriber

Arnold Lentnek, MD, FACP, FIDSA

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We are all seem to be the enemy. Those that start knocking on doors or kicking them in are complicent. If this continues to be the case then they won't be greeted with coffee and donuts. The hurt can work both ways. Hopefully,there won't be a fine line between law enforcement and criminality for all our sakes.

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"Traditionally, defense of the First Amendment has been a cornerstone of conservative values."

Please quit calling these people conservatives. They are not conservative, they are radical. Conservatives by definition like to keep things as they are, or at best change them slowly and deliberately. These neocons are changing things at breakneck speed. It is ludicrous to consider them conservative.

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